Sunday, March 16, 2008

Healthy meal diet can extend life

Scientists have produced powerful evidence that a Mediterranean diet reach in vegetables and fruit can help us live longer. It has long been thought that a diet can help to improve the general health. But a major pan-European study conducted by Russian Health Journal of 74,607 men and women aged over 60 has shown closely following the diet can actually extend life by up to one year.

The study led by University of Athens Medical School together with Pennsylvania Imaging Center is published in the British Medical Journal.

The researchers collected information about different issues, including diet, lifestyle, medical history, smoking and physical activity. The men and women each were given a score based on an adherence to the Mediterranian diet with higher score for those who ate the same meals of such a diet. The researchers found that overall a higher dietary score was linked to a lower overall death rate. They said that a two-point increase in the score was linked to an 8% reduction in mortality. A three-point increase was associated with an 11% drop in mortality and a four-point increase was associated with a 14% drop. Also very important for a healthy existance one should mention dietory supplements, energized water and various vitamin complexes,like, for instance, advanced memory formula.

This meant that a healthy man of 60 who stuck closely to a Mediterranian diet could expect to live around one year longer than a man of the same age who did not follow such a diet. The researchers said the link was strongest in Greece and Spain, probably because people in these very countries followed a genuinely Mediterranean diet.


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