Thursday, May 22, 2008

Body building tips

Body building is much more than pumping weights and eating dietary supplements. Speak to any professional body builder and he will tell you that body building is a well planned activity and it requires years of hard work following a strict regimen to build the picture perfect body. If you are planning to build up your body, or you want to take up body building professionally, this article is designed to offer you some basic tips for effective body building.

To begin, you have to be dressed for the occasion; do not wear tight fitting clothes to the gym. It is important to let your body breathe and for sweat glands to function properly during a workout. Wear cotton clothing as much as possible, cotton absorbs sweat easily and also prevents body odour. You should wear loose fitting clothes that allow easy movement of body parts. To prevent dehydration, you should drink water or supplement drinks like Gatorade regularly. Drinking water does not hamper your work out and it is important drink water before and after each exercise session. In fact, even when you are not working out you should get into the habit of drinking water regularly.

It is vital to use proper lifting techniques, do not assume the simplest way to lift weights is also the best. If you are not sure how you can build up muscle mass by lifting weights, speak to a specialist. Chance are the gym you are member of already has a couple of seasoned body builders or a trained gym instructor, do not hesitate in asking for help. Incorrect techniques can result in muscle damage or worse result in stress fractures.

Before you being your exercise routine carry out a few warm up exercises. Ideally you should spend 5-10 minutes on the treadmill or spend time doing stretching exercises. Muscles are susceptible to damage if they are forced into action without notice. Warm up exercises increase blood flow in muscles and prepare muscles for strenuous exercise. Don’t restrict your warming up to just time on the treadmill, start by lifting lighter weights and only once the stiffness in the muscles dissipates should you start lifting heavier weights.

All body building routines involve exercising in sets. Instead of spending half an hour lifting dumbbells and then spending the remaining time strengthening your deltoids, it is advisable to do dumbbells for 10 minutes, strengthen your deltoids next and then do dumbbells again. You don’t need to warm up before every set; a single warm up is good enough. Finally, it is important to not overdo the weights; you should know your limitations. Don’t try and lift too much weight in the false hope that it will speed up the process of muscle building. Lifting too much weight will only end up putting undue stress on your body, make sure that you increase the amount of weight you lift over a period of time. It is important to remember that body building is not an overnight phenomenon; it takes time to build the perfect body.

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