Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mediation in Dictionary

Webster's dictionary defines meditation as follows:

1 : to engage in contemplation or reflection
2 : to engage in mental exercise (as concentration on one's breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness

transitive verb

1 : to focus one's thoughts on : reflect on or ponder over
2 : to plan or project in the mind : intend, purpose

Note that the very first definition is 'to engage in contemplation or reflection'. Now, I don't know about you, but if you've got anywhere near the busy brain that this author does, it's quite a challenge to 'quiet' your mind. That is, if you actually sit and try to quiet it. All sorts of stuff flies through your head, pulling your thoughts every which way, and within 10 minutes of deep breathing and trying to relax, you pretty much give it up and move on to something else. I know that's what I did for a long time.

Then, one day while I was pulling weeds and playing in my garden, it suddenly hit me. I had not one single thought buzzing in my head. I was so completely immersed in the soil of my garden that I'd literally turned my brain off and was in that state of "just being". It was quite the enlightening moment for me. I realized in that moment that meditation MUST be different for everyone, because we are each so different, we are each wired so differently, that it would be silly to expect that my arrival at this so-called 'blissful state' would be anything at all like the next person's arrival. Each person must find her own method. Made sense to me.

So, after I came to this realization, I started paying close attention to everything I did on a daily basis. I started really zooming in on the times during my day when my mind was quiet, especially when I was NOT attempting to make it so. And I came up with quite a few things that put me in that state without effort, without frustration and with great effectiveness.

Things like the gardening I just spoke of. Or brushing my very large German Shepherd. Or deep-cleaning my home (yes, I'm one of those freaks who actually enjoys the cleaning process). Or walking in the canyons with my dog. Or sitting on my front porch watching the horses eat. All these things completely clear my mind and get me to a state of quiet. I am, as they say, in close connection to Source during these times, because I am not THINKING, I am merely BEING. And I believe THIS is exactly what meditation is all about.

Now that I am aware of this, I set aside an hour each day to do one of these things, knowing that I will arrive effortlessly and also knowing that if I set an intention of what I'd like to resolve or hear or learn, I can accomplish this when I have reached that place of quiet. It's really made a huge change in my perspective, one that I am most grateful for.

Please read this Article also :- Fitness For Young Children


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