Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Fitness For Young Children

Healthy eating means choosing foods from all the food groups that will provide the nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fiber) needed for strong bodies and minds. It also means paying attention to portion and serving sizes. Portion sizes and servings should be smaller for children than for adults.

The basic food groups are:

grains and bread,
meats and poultry,
milk and dairy,
vegetables, and fruits.

Try these tips to help your children eat healthy:

1. Talk about it. Teach your children about the different food groups and how important it is to eat a variety of good foods.
2. Eat together as a family. Practice what you teach. Parents serve as role models for developing lifelong habits.
3. Limit or eliminate foods with sugar: candies, pastries, soft drinks.
4. Give younger children small portions. Let them ask for more if they want more.
5. Give younger children 5 or 6 mini-meals a day. They have smaller stomachs. It may be an easier way to make sure they get a variety of foods throughout the day. The whole family may want to try this as well. Small mini-meals throughout the day can prevent overeating and high calorie snacking.
6. Provide nutritious snacks: fresh fruits, low fat cheese, and cereal with low fat milk.
7. Limit eating at fast food restaurants. Fast foods are typically high in fat.
8. Don't expect a clean plate. This can lead to overeating.
9. Try a variety of low-fat cooking recipes. Find healthy foods your children will love.


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