Saturday, December 13, 2008

Steroids in Olympics

Especially, the athletes who compete in the marathon and other long track events need all the stamina that they can muster and this is where steroids play an important role. Thus the overall competitiveness grows in the games as a consequence of an increase in fitness strata. With such great reputation it attracts all sports person to do their best. In many cases players buy steroids in order to accelerate their performances and also experience success. But at a later stage they are found to be guilty using these steroids and are stripped of their medals and are imposed a life time ban.
So athletes should make proper use of Anabolic steroids which could be useful in enhancing their performance but it should also be taken care of that they do not try to get an undue edge over others when any big event is running by taking steroids during the event. The athletic well known about the effect of anabolic steroids so they are widely using these drugs for getting high position in the Olympic game.


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