Friday, December 5, 2008

Anabolic steroids is used to enhancing the power and body mussels in other word we can say it is the energy enhancing drugs which is widely used by the baseball player. steroids have received over the years, it may surprise you to learn that there are legitimate medical uses for muscle building hormones. In males, testicular cancer often requires the removal of the testes. After surgery, these men are often prescribed anabolic steroids to replace the testosterone that their bodies are no longer able to synthesize. This form of replacement therapy helps preserve the men’s musculature as well as such secondary sex characteristics as body hair, deep voice, and sex drive (which are some of the side effects anabolic steroids produce in bodybuilders.

Player buy steroids for increasing the performance during the running game .they can use steroid in several ways like oral inject etc. The benefit after more research with anabolic steroids when they reach the appropriate age for puberty. Anabolic steroids are usually given for four to six months to initiate the growth spurt and development of secondary sex characteristics.


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